Humble currently resides in Brooklyn, New York where he produces work as both a gallery artist and mural artist. His work is influenced by contemporary street-art culture fused with impressionist and surrealist tendencies. Humble spent his early career adorning the walls of Richmond, Virginia. It was there that he honed his ability to work at large scale. His process incorporates elements of acrylic aerosol while intermingling bucket and brush paint creating a style that evokes a sense of beauty and stillness in the scenes he creates. There is a constant search of balance and calmness in his works, reflective of his thoughts on life. The natural world comes to play often in his works, representing moments in the artist’s youth and past growing up in a small beach town in Virginia. His current focus is to push more into the surrealism side of work, expanding on the rolodex of natural figures he likes to paint and meshing them together to create new, imaginative scenes centered around the human condition.